The Archetypal Nature of the Spirit, the Creative Power of the Soul and the Nature of the Self
One of the most fundamental errors we make in how we think about things comes when we start from the premise of duality and separation. Any hypothesis that’s based on a concept of separation while referring to our essential self or spiritual nature is an illusion in the most...
Understanding the Nature of Different Dimensions and How to Mentally Move into Them
What we refer to as parallel dimensions are interlaced dimensions that are polar opposites of each other. Sound and light, for example, are frequencies that are complementary in nature, and sound as vibration serves to organize light into living forms as a perceivable reality. Vibration has both a pattern...
Energetic Entanglement – Relationships that Span Multiple Dimensions
Defining the Relationship between our Higher Self and Lower Self Entanglement represents a law that’s prevalent at the primary level of reality, and like all laws, describes the behavior and relationship going on in every area of life. Matter as particles are composed of even smaller units known as...