Tag: internal dialogue

How to Tell True Spiritual Guidance from Your Own Will and Habitual Memories

One of the first things we have to establish in order to recognize the nature of how our own mind works, is to realize how ideas come to us. This can be a bit difficult at first, because many don’t have an understanding of the true nature of self-generated...

How We Stay Stuck in Mental Patterns, and How to Transform Them

One of the most valuable things we can learn psychologically is to really tune into the nature of patterns. All of life operates by way of a dynamic interconnected system of patterns. Patterns are not only formed out of memory as habits or routines, but also out of how...

Internal Dialogue – “The Most Natural Form of Self-hypnosis”

Many people believe that self-hypnosis is a technique or process that has to be studied and learned in order to be proficiently practiced. Yet, in reality, we are always engaged in self-hypnosis as the most fundamental behavior of the mind that we naturally engage in without realizing it. All...
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