Resources for Spiritual Growth / Self-Reliance / Education

We’re building a community of independent organizations and individually owned businesses who strive to provide people with the knowledge and resources they need to become more productive and self-reliant. To return to a lifestyle that’s physically healthy, emotionally fulfilling, and spiritually nourishing. One that fills us with a sense of wonder and awe at its beauty, magnificence, and eloquence. A lifestyle that focuses on family, becoming self-reliant in caring for our family, and resuming our true role in being the “caretakers” of the Earth and all creation. Where we take an attitude of becoming more innovative in developing practices that are Earth friendly and ecologically sustainable, and that serve to replenish the vast resources of our beautiful planet . . .
Below are links to websites, click on the name to go to the website

- Hermetic Library – Hermetic texts
- Hermetic World – Academy
- Hermetic Academy Library
- Theosophy – Blavatsky
- Theosophy Library Online
- Rosicrucian Order
- Ancient Wisdom Foundation
- Kabbalah Online
- Qabalah Articles
- Graham Hancock
- Institute of Noetic Sciences
- Internet Sacred Texts Archive
- ISSSEEM – International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine
- Theosophy World
- PDF Books on a variety of subjects
- The Center for Anthroposophical Endeavors (CFAE)
- Mystech – Conference on bridging spirituality with technology

- Buckminster Fuller Institute
- Robert Lanza Biocentrism
- The Physics Classroom
- ISSSEEM – International Society for the Studies of Subtle Energies
- Institute of Noetic Sciences
- Scientific American Magazine
- Science and Nonduality
- Infinite Potential with David Bohm
- Dean Radin – Physicist
- Amit Goswami – Quantum Physicist
- Fred Alan Wolf – Quantum Physicist

- Mother Earth News
- Natural Medicinal Herbs
- Creative Transformations Store – Apothecary & Aromatherapy
- Ayurveda Holistic Healing
- Ayurveda Times
- Svastha Ayurveda
- Practical Self-Reliance
- Wellness Momma
- Dr. Axe – Ancient Remedies
- Biodynamic Farming
- Sustainable Food Trust
- Biodynamic Federation
- Marian Farms Biodynamic Living
- Off Grid World – Living off the grid
- Off Grid Living
- The Spruce Crafts – Instruction for making your own products
- Forces of Nature – Certified Organic Medicine
- Delicious Obsessions – Homemade products – food – gardening
- Measuring Flower – Homemade natural beauty & health
- A Traditional Life – recipes for kitchen, garden, pantry, health & beauty
- The House and Homestead – Natural living
- Going Zero Waste – Natural health, beauty products, home, food
- School of Natural Skincare – courses and classes for making your own health & beauty products
- Tree Hugger – Herbal Medicine & Recipes
- Botanical Institute of Herbal Medicine
- The Spruce – Houseplants, gardening, home ideas
- Homesteading skills
- Homestead Survival Site
- A Modern Homestead
- The Spruce – gardening, houseplants, and home design tips

- Dr. Axe – Ancient Wisdom
- Cedar Mountain Herb School – classes and instruction on making natural medicine
- Dr. Deepak Chopra
- Mayo Clinic
- Integrative Nutrition – Training Classes
- Apothecary – Aromatherapy Supplies
- Bulk Apothecary
- Apothecary Shoppe
- The Spruce Crafts – How to make your own products
- Mountain Rose Herbs – Organic sustainable herbs and remedy ingredient
- Starwest Botanicals – Herbs, oils, and remedy ingredients
- Oregon’s Wild Harvest – Herb supplier
- Frontier Co-op – Herb Supplier

- Gaia – Movies & Documentaries
- The History Store
- Ancient Aliens – History Channel
- Ancient Aliens Live Tour
- The Awakening Matrix
- Wide Awake Media
- Wide Awake Films

Suggested Reading for Occult Sciences