Personal Transformation & Self-Mastery Mentorship

I work with people through private online sessions to first teach and form a practical understanding of universal laws, and then mentor them in utilizing that knowledge to develop life skills in facilitating and permanently maintaining your own personal transformation and journey into self-mastery.

I help people go through any form of major life transition or crisis in a way that utilizes it as the means for personal growth and to develop new personal skills.

Consultations for any form of Self or Life Transformation are very personal in nature and are catered to your specific needs and desire for personal growth.

I never use standard coaching models, cookie-cutter processes or conventional methods. Everything is based on a dynamic conversation that’s aimed at addressing your particular needs, questions, and with where your at in your life in terms of your growth and development.

The Life Transforming processes I provide always leave you empowered in your own life and provide you with the means for applying Higher Knowledge in your daily life to create in a fully self-aware and intentional manner.

The Nature of Personal Transformation
While we are constantly undergoing a form of personal transformation as we go through life and find ourselves in new and different situations, we go through a progressive version whenever we face challenges, problems, hardship, tragedies, or a life crisis of some sort. These situations can leave us feeling confused, torn, emotionally devastated, morally depleted, deeply insecure, facing the unknown in a way that terrifies us, while being tossed about emotionally moving violently from one extreme to another. Yet, at the same time, these are the life situations that offer us the greatest opportunity for true growth and personal creativity when they’re undertaken with a sense of awareness, intention, and proper guidance that utilize them for developing new life skills.
Crisis, trauma, and tragedy are the most natural ways we go through transformative processes from a natural and unconscious perspective. Yet most go through them feeling alone, unprepared, abandoned, and unsure of where it will lead them or what will result. Anyone who has gone through extremely challenging situations knows that our life can change directions suddenly and without warning, and throw us into a tail-spin that is often hard to recover from. Because these situations also tend to be highly emotional, we’re even more prone to making bad decisions, building delusions around them, and developing psychological “issues” and complexes that may stay with us for the rest of our life.
Other times our opportunities for transformation comes through embracing new opportunities that are positive and exciting, and provide us with the means to learn new things about ourselves and create in new ways. During these times we simply need guidance and instruction on how to do it proficiently and with a confident attitude and high expectations for success.

To begin your journey into personal growth and transformation, simply click the link below and request a complementary consult to ensure I can provide you with what you need and that we’re a good fit.

Conscious and Intentional Transformation
Likewise, we can engage in the process of personal transformation as a decision for personal growth in a fully conscious and deliberate manner. Where we initiate and fully facilitate our own growth process with full awareness of what we’re doing and why. When we undertake the process from an intentional and fully aware position, true growth takes place and we gain valuable life skills as a form of self-mastery that stay with us forever. They become ingrained in us as a natural part of our mindset and character.

Waking Up in Your Own Life
We can also wake up abruptly in the midst of what began as a spontaneous and unconscious process of transformation and move from an unconscious state to a conscious and self-aware one. Many experiences serve the ultimate purpose of waking us up and making us aware of things that are operating in our life that we were previously unaware of. We can often be pushed to our limits and on the verge of falling apart, when we suddenly have a breakthrough that seems to provide us with the perfect answer to our problem, or a new awareness that brings us a great sense of clarity. Many times we have to be pushed to extremes where we’re forced out of our comfort zone in order to break habitual patterns and life-long tendencies.

Undergoing Transformation with a Full Sense of Awareness
Regardless of how we go through it, it always helps to have guidance, a compassionate ear, and practical instructions that give us a definite advantage and help us maneuver unfamiliar territory with a sense of awareness and personal creativity. Instead of “surviving” or barely making it through situations, we can use them as the means to practice new mental and emotional strategies and as the basis for developing other situations by way of them that help us to thrive and grow in new and unexpected ways. With the proper coaching and education we can rise up to face difficult situations with a sense of confidence, sound decision making, and deliberate and well-thought out actions that serve as the basis to transform us and our life situation at the same time, through the same actions.

What I can Help You with
I can help you face the challenges of your life with a sense of empowerment and creativity! I will teach you new methods for using your mind to create the change you desire in a way that will improve your life and bring a deeper sense fulfillment in all areas of your life!
I’ll provide you with the education necessary for developing psychological skills and greatly enhancing your personal performance by embodying and expressing new qualities and ways of being. Our work together will help you to overcome poor self-esteem, insecurity, a lack of confidence, not feeling good enough, constant fear of failure, and resolve the issues and tendencies you acquired from your formative conditioning.

We’ll form a partnership that with you to help you tap into latent potential and provide you with guidance and support needed for intentionally directing the change in your life, instead of letting it direct and control you!
I’m not only a trained professional, but have led a very challenging life myself and have been through great hardship and challenging situations, so I know what type of experiences they cause and what we tend to go through as a result. I also know what it takes to not only make it through them while maintaining your sanity, but use them as the means for developing advanced personal skills, while maintaining a positive attitude and outlook. Our life experiences also provide us with the ideal means for healing ourselves emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually, but only when we undergo them with a sense of awareness and positive intention. By using our “will to consciously create” we can push through the fears and challenges that otherwise act to stop us, and develop a healthy mindset that looks at it from a positive and productive perspective.
My approach is to help you form new realizations around the part you played in creating your life situation, and then help you in realizing your latent potential while guiding you in the process of embodying it as the means of expressing in new ways to create yourself. Our life experiences only change when we change, because we’re the one forming them through our perception and the patterns of our conditioning. All true growth only comes by learning to express in new ways by tapping into and learning how to utilize potential that you didn’t know you had or hardly ever use.
Sometimes we simply need to talk about things as a way of releasing pent up emotions that have caused depression and a sense of hopelessness. In talking with another who possesses knowledge and has a lot of experience, we can learn to look at our situation and life from a whole new perspective that allows us to see new solutions as a result. Often, it’s only when we talk about something that we’re able to see our own story about things, and that’s what brings new and deeper realizations about our own story, and in that moment of self-awareness we’re able to see what we couldn’t see before.

My Style of Practicing: How I can Help You in Facilitating Your Own Transformation
My style of practice is a form of thought provoking conversation that helps expand self-awareness and shed light on previously unexplored areas which will provide you with knowledge about yourself that’s critical for healing and self-creating. I partner with you in your journey into self-awareness and teach you how to embrace your creativity in working with your own mind.
I practice by teaching, not only as the knowledge necessary to create within your own life, but also the ability to apply that knowledge in your daily life to produce specific and measurable results. I help you develop the skills necessary to begin using your own mind to create your reality with a sense of precision and intention, and teach you how to begin utilizing the powers of your imagination to shape your experiences and bring the vision for your life into fruition.
Together we form powerful strategies, then build an action plan around them that make gradual yet consistent changes in your life that produce immediate and highly beneficial results. I don’t tell you what to create, but rather help you identify what you have an inner desire to create, and then provide you with the instruction necessary to create it. I give you practical tools you can work with not only in creating your health, but in all areas of your life where you want to create in and intentional and deliberate manner.
Our work together will involve your whole self . . . body, mind, and spirit, developing them in harmony with each other. The secret to self-actualizing and living a meaningful life of purpose, is to learn how to master your own mind in being able to create the life you came here to live. But conscious creation requires mastering your own mind and lower nature in being able to transform the unconscious patterns of your conditioning and the illusions built out of your emotional states by forming new ones and using your will to turn them into a reality.

Sometimes the hardest decision we make is to actually begin . . . make the decision and begin today!

Transformation is a Form of Self-Creation
Transformation is a form of creation. It’s where we’re taking something that has already undergone the basic stages of creation in the initial sense, and continuing to create it by growing and evolving it into new and higher forms of itself.
All transformation requires the use of our creative ability through the fundamental capacities of choice and free will. We have to first decide what changes we want to make, or what aspects of ourselves we’re going to intentionally develop, form that idea in our imagination as a reality, imbue it with strong positive emotions, then discipline ourselves into new behaviors that actualize those changes as an outer reality. A reality of our own making that we brought about through our actions in and intentional and deliberate manner.
We are all born into this world with a kind of formula for creating inside of us. This formula exists as our dreams in terms of what we love and have an affinity for, and our strengths, talents and gifts that are usually apart of what we love, and weakness and fears that act to prevent us from obtaining what we dream of. Our dream for our life is our navigation system for our destiny as our life’s story as a theme or general idea we’re always naturally gravitating towards. Our strengths and talents are tools for creating the life we dream of, and our weaknesses and fears are what prevent us from achieving our life’s ambition. Love of an idea draws us into it, fear acts to stop us and prevent us from moving into it. These 3 aspects always exist in relationship to each other because they set the natural stage for the lessons that will facilitate our soul’s growth by way of them. Our dream is the overall pattern as a story we tell by living that exists in polarity of positive and negative aspects. Positive expands while negative contracts. One is creative, the other destructive. One facilitates our growth the other sabotages it. This equation as our internal programming shows us in very clear terms what aspects of our character we came here to develop in this lifetime.

Our interests and passions and what we have a natural affinity for as a way of life or our life’s work is what we came here to experience as a quality of consciousness that develops and strengthens the aspects necessary to achieve it in us as our character or identity. A certain character is necessary to tell a certain type of story as the natural expression (thoughts and behaviors) of that character. Our strengths are usually necessary to actualize our dream, while our weaknesses prevent us from actualizing it. We have to walk through or confront our fears and weaknesses in order to realize the dream for our life. Our life path is never easy, and always requires us to overcome our fears and weaknesses in order to obtain.
The only purpose of life is to set the stage necessary for us to grow ourselves by using our will to self-create. All growth only comes by striving, consistent effort, and determination. We have to willfully produce our growth through our actions which require us to access the aspects of ourselves necessary to overcome or bring back into balance the aspects being expressed as our weaknesses and fears. Weaknesses, which are always attached to fear, simply show us what we need to work on and what parts of ourselves we need to bring into harmony by counteracting them with the positive aspect of the same trait. Weaknesses are always the basis for addictions, most of which are destructive in nature. Addictions are formed as a coping device for our weaknesses, where whatever we are addicted to we lack the strength to overcome, and so it serves to control us.

Tomorrow is created by the choices and actions you take today!

To get started, you simply need to look at the options, decide which one is best for you, make the commitment to begin creating in your own life, and sign up! Once you sign up, I’ll contact you to schedule an appointment and your journey into greater self-knowledge will begin!

It’s not what happens to us in life that matters, but how we react to what happens. What we allow to come through us because of what happens
“The Only Thing to Fear, is Fear Itself”