Personal Services
Services We Provide:
Mentor / Coaching for Personal Transformation & Development
Mentor / Coaching for Spiritual Development & Self-Mastery
Spiritual Counseling
Death Counseling – Help Prepare for Dying

Personal Services Include:
- Positive Psychology that’s developmental in nature
- Tools / Skills for creating desired change in your life
- Tools for Personal Development of Latent Potential
- Skills at Being able to Master Your Own Mind
- Skills for Becoming an Excellent Communicator
- Transforming Beliefs
- Emotional Intelligence
- Creating Intimate Relationships that Evolve You
- Developing Your Sensuous/ Sexual Nature
- Preparing to Die in a Conscious & Profound Manner
Our Attitude and Approach:
The Personal services we offer are designed to help you with personal development in terms of developing yourself through personal skills of how to use your mind in more creative and empowering ways. We help you to gain control of your thoughts, inner-state, your emotions, and how you behave and interact with others. We teach perceptual skills and emotional mastery. All our teachings are holistic in nature and include your whole “Self” – Mind, Body and Spirit. We keep the Soul fully in tact in all psychological practices. Our approach is that all Personal Development to higher states of Being and a greater range of self-expression is the foundation for evolving our soul and facilitating our own spiritual growth.
Personal development is a life-time adventure of exploration, self-discovery and Realization that provides us with the knowledge necessary for Conscious Self Creation. No other journey is more compelling, or rewarding as the journey into ourselves and out of ourselves at the same time. Begin your adventure NOW into self-discovery, self-realization and self-actualization!
“We convince by our presence”
– Walt Whitman –

I offer complementary consultations for any new person, to make sure I can help you with what you need and to make sure we’re a good fit:

Mentoring for Personal / Professional Development
Mentoring for personal development. Ideally suited for knowledge obtained in educational programs and classes to be practiced in your daily life for acquisition and mastery. Mentoring, which is somewhat different than coaching imparts knowledge and provides guidance for how to apply knowledge in your daily life and to specific situations. It develops skill-sets as life skills.

Personal Transformation & Self-Mastery
Positive Psychology that teaches and develops by way of knowledge and skill. Instead of focusing on what’s wrong with us that needs to be fixed, we look at how we desire to develop ourselves, then learn the skills to do it. Sacred Psychology is one of the most profound forms of Developmental Psychology there is and teaches the use of archetypes and seeing our life as a story/myth we are creating as we tell/live it. This teaches us how to develop ourselves in the most natural way there is, through our creativity and ability to imagine, imitate and pretend.

Conscious Dying – Preparing Spiritually to Cross Over
I provide the counseling necessary to help prepare for the death experience so that it will be a smooth transition of letting go, spiritual healing, internal peace and rebirth. I help you to take care of unresolved issues, processing and resolving Karma, and letting go of your ego/identity in order to be born into a new one. Dying is really a Birth into a parallel reality that is the Astral double of Earth called the 5th Heaven. We migrate between the Astral and the Physical which are actually “twins” in a Holographic Hierarchy. Our experience of dying, like our experience of living is greatly effected and shaped by our beliefs. If we are afraid, then we create out of that feeling. Likewise, if we are anticipating a beautiful experience, that becomes the template for our experience!

How to Select a Teacher/ Mentor / Practitioner
Tips on how to select Teachers, Coaches and Mentors, Personal Trainers and Healing Arts Practitioners.

Suggested for new clients
For existing clients