Light and Dark Forces – The Illusion of Good and Evil and the Balance of Life

Light, which is often portrayed as white is in reality, invisible. What makes light visible as an illumination is an effect of the elements where photons (light particles) are either reflected off particles and form the colors they reflect, or photons are absorbed into matter and remain invisible, or unseen by the physical eyes. Without an atmosphere which is produced by light as heat absorbed by water which produces air, what we call light from the sun, isn’t light at all outside of a radiant glow around the sun itself. Space, which is filled with suns (light sources) is virtually dark. This is because there’s no matter to reflect light being omitted from numerous star systems. Without matter to separate light by absorbing some aspects of it while reflecting others, light as we know it wouldn’t exist, and we’d be in the dark seeing only the distant radiance of the stars and the reflected light of the moon (or any other celestial body). Light and dark, before they’re separated and used to contrast each other, exist as the same thing.

Because what we actually see in terms of colors – the vibratory rays inherent in light – is actually the aspect of light not being absorbed and thereby reflected, is actually showing us what it’s not in terms of vibratory frequency. A green plant for example, shows us what property of the spectrum exists outside of its vibratory range of absorption as resonance and sympathetic induction, and therefore fails to be absorbed as the energetic essence of the plant. We can know what rays the plant absorbs as the complementary colors of it outer reflection, and if the reflection is a complementary color itself, such as green (combination of two primary colors), we can measure the degree of absorption of the primaries it’s comprised of (in this case yellow and blue). Because of this dynamic interplay of opposites that are complementary (serve to stimulate and contrast each other), the material world as we know it through the vibratory schematic of colors and gradient shades is actually the opposite of its actual vibratory content and composition. We’re always seeing a mirror image of its energetic composition as it’s reflection of opposite properties.

This same idea works with inner vision and outer visions. Notice that if you stare at a green shape for a few seconds, then close your eyes, the same shape will form internally as red, the complementary opposite of green. This same effect will happen no matter what color you look at. The inner image produced in the dark is opposite in terms of color as the image seen in the light. Likewise, the colors that form inner visions and dream-like holographic images common in meditation are in the color of their actual frequency rather than a reflection which is not of their frequency. So light and dark, like all opposites that are actually complementary exist as one until separated (filtered) by matter of some sort. The light is invisible and appears dark without an object to both absorb and reflect certain aspects of light as the color spectrum, using the same unified substance to separate, contrast, and reflect other aspects giving it definition and distinct knowable properties.

Balancing opposite forces

The Physical World is a Mirror Image of the Spiritual World

From a purely energetic perspective, the physical world is formed by a reflection of the energetic (spiritual) world, which illuminates it while giving it distinct characteristics. So to say that light (as reflected illumination) is good and dark (as absorbed energy of the same vibration) is evil, in the most basic sense is the opposite of the truth. Instead of reflecting a truth, these terms have come to be used as a metaphor for good and evil, which is usually more of a judgment than a fact, and is actually meant to express knowledge as wisdom (being able to see) as opposed to ignorance and profanity (as being in the dark unable to see). Good is seen as deeds that are benevolent and creative as opposed to their opposite as hostile and destructive. Yet we can only know one as it exists in relationship and direct contrast to the other. Opposite qualities are necessary for existence as separation of inherent aspects that brings definition through comparison which is necessary in order to experience them as something specific.

This basic principle of unified forces that exist in a basic state of polarity that come into existence only through separation and contrast necessary to create a reality based on their dual nature that clashes and opposes itself in everything else, is the very foundation of life that makes experience as a personal reality possible. In order to get a sense of ourselves as something specific – as good, beautiful, divine, courageous, or strong – we have to contrast ourselves with the opposite quality in others that form the relationship necessary to define each other. Without evil, we couldn’t know good. Without hot, cold wouldn’t be meaningful, it wouldn’t convey any information necessary to create an experience of cold, which only comes by how it relates to hot.

What we call God as consciousness Itself that forms the energetic basis out of which all of life arises in an infinite variety of shared qualities remixed, is the unification of both light and dark, good and bad as undivided and coherent. Electromagnetic fields that simultaneously move away from each other while attracting to each other, resolve by forming a spiraling motion that form the basis for the dynamic drama we call life, in all its diversity and infinite variety. We all have within us both active and passive qualities, ones that are active and being expressed, and ones that remain latent and in a purely potential state. Latent potential is only stimulated and called forth into activity by its complementary force in the outside world. These qualities have never been utilized because we haven’t had to use them in a live situation. We are both outward and electric, and inwardly centered and magnetic.

The breaking dawn

Life – the Universal Drama

Likewise, there’s always a debate or contest going on within us by contrasting aspects of ourselves seeking outward expression by the victory of dominance. In order to be courageous, we need life to set the stage as outer conditions and circumstances that first elicit fear and uncertainty where we have to choose to be courageous by how we respond and interact with it. We can either let the fear overcome us and coward in response to it, or we can rise to meet it and overcome it through sheer willpower of some form. The outer life sets the stage necessary to awaken and bring forth in us the qualities necessary to transform them by how we enter into relationship with them.

We are always drawn to, and drawing to us, the ideal circumstances that will allow us to express inner qualities necessary to rise to them and self-create by way of them. We only become strong by overcoming difficult challenges. In order to give love, we have find and connect with someone desiring and able to receive love. In order to experience ourselves as good, we have to confront and resist evil. Otherwise there’s no shaping mechanism that allows us through virtue of our own constitution and will to meet life by embodying qualities that give us the experiences as a sense of ourselves that shape our identity, who we are, and what type of story we naturally tell by how we live our life.

In this realization we appreciate the wholeness of life, all of which feeds on and is nourished by all other aspects that exist in a dynamic relationship that’s actually an optic illusion as a virtual reality. The only thing that’s good or bad, or that exists as our truth is whatever we say is true. Whatever is true for us. Absolute truth as law, which isn’t based on belief or personal opinion, and is consistent throughout all of life beyond our personal paradigm which shapes the world to be like us, embodies all aspects of itself necessary to live out the drama of life in a way that allows everyone to develop whatever qualities in themselves they have a natural propensity towards that only comes by way of encountering and interacting with it’s opposite qualities in everyone and everything else.

Walking between worlds

Light as the visible world we call truth, is actually the opposite of truth as the vibratory nature of the physical forms themselves. While the form indicates function, the color represents the aspect of consciousness as a form of personality that animates it as behavior of some kind. The natural color as a quality of consciousness being illuminated or projected by the object isn’t the quality it possesses, but the quality it lacks. It’s the aspect of light that doesn’t fall within its vibratory range and can’t be absorbed. But we can know its real nature as it’s vibration by how the visible aspects exist in relationship to the invisible aspects as opposite and therefore complementary. This law governing colors as aspects of vibration inherent in light, only pertains to the natural world and not man made colors which are made with pigments that are made in an opposite manner of true light as the light spectrum.

The visible world, represented by light, or being illuminated and therefore seeable and knowable, is actually a projection as a false image rather than what reveals the true inner nature of the substance. Just as our inner nature is represented as the darkness created when we close our eyes, blocking out the light of the outer world, where our shadow aspects as qualities that we aren’t fully aware of are projected onto the outer world and others and reflected back to us, where we see aspects of ourselves in other people and react to them, usually while failing completely to realize that the traits we see in others that we form a strong reaction to (as resonance) are actually traits we have inside that we don’t fully own, or remain largely unaware of.

By realizing this reflective and absorbing quality of the inner with the outer, as seen and unseen aspects of ourselves, we can obtain knowledge of ourselves by realizing that the outer world is absorbing and reflecting back to us not their qualities, but rather our own qualities in them. Not by the behaviors they’re displaying, but by our reaction to their behaviors born out of our own interpretations as our perception of them. A reaction is absorption of energy stimulated by that same energy (frequency) in the outer world that enters into us (is absorbed by us) and produces a corresponding effect as an emotional reaction or body sensation. Emotions are what connect us to the same vibration in the outer world.

Heart electromagnetic field

By realizing that only energy as quality of consciousness that has emotions and behaviors in it, that are of the same nature as we are, can penetrate us and stimulate that same perception and behaviors in us as an emotional reaction, we can realize that anytime we’re reacting to somebody that they’re mirroring back to us our own qualities. In this way we can become aware of qualities that we possess that we remain unaware of through denial or repression of some form. Through awareness of what previously eluded us, we can begin consciously working to transform negative aspects of ourselves into positive ones. The very basis of all transformation as creation comes only by way of self-awareness that brings realization.

This reverse action as opposites of the same pattern (frequency) that act to stimulate each other calling forth the same idea in both people that then act out the same drama as a joint reality in which they play complementary roles, is the very basis of life itself as consciousness that only exists in the material plane through separation of dual aspects of the same nature (living pattern) as a relationship with itself in another. What we see in the material realm only shows us half the equation of what actually exists. By realizing that everything exists in relationship to itself in everything else, and that the outer trait acts to stimulate the opposite as an inner trait that’s a necessary part of a dynamic relationship that will serve to co-create a joint reality by playing opposite roles in the same idea as bringing an imagined inner idea into the world as an equivalent outer experience.

Water and fire - opposites combine to form one

 A pattern is a whole idea with many parts that all reflect and play roles in acting out that idea as a reality. This is how vibration as consciousness forms material realities as story lines formed out of shared themes that require someone else to play the opposite role in creating the same drama. Someone who believes people can’t be trusted and expects betrayal of some form, in order to live this belief out as a reality, has to attract a person who can’t be trusted and ultimately acts as the betrayer. Someone who sees themselves as a victim, naturally acts to attract someone who will victimize them. Someone who lives out of the theme of being abandoned, acts to naturally attract and enter into relationship with someone who will abandon them, usually while producing the behaviors that warrant being abandoned without full awareness that they are actually the ones causing their own abandonment.

Whatever theme we live out of as a core belief, forms the story we are programmed to tell through the relationships we form and what kind of behavior we employ as our conditioning which trains us to that pattern as a behavioral dynamic. In this sense we are always attracting the right people to play the opposite role in whatever story we are ideally suited to tell by how we’re designed. This attraction of opposites that are complementary is the only way we can continue to tell our story as a consistent reality. It determines what type of people we’ll naturally enter into relationship with and what pattern will issue forth and be immediately established as the nature of our relationships.

We are always being provided with the means to see the true nature or unknown aspects of something or someone by how the outer characteristics and behaviors exist in relationship to the inner aspects. What people put out front for us to see, seldom represents who they really are. Whatever image someone creates of themselves, they will naturally act to attract anyone who contrasts or contradicts it. We sustain and support ourselves off of what we resist and contrast.

While the surface appearances of natural things do not reveal their true nature, they do provide us with the information we need to realize their inner nature by how it exists in relationship to their outer characteristics. By utilizing the law governing algebra, we can know the unknown aspects of any equation by how they naturally exist in relationship to the known aspects. Through the law of analogies and correspondences we can realize relationships through a dynamic chain of association that identifies the same nature or quality of consciousness as it exists in various outer forms. The outer appearance reveals to us the true inner nature as a correspondence . . . if we know how to look at it.

 Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

gold narrow long with transparent background
gold narrow long with transparent background