Hypnosis & Guided Meditation

Pathways into Your Own Mind


Hypnosis and Guided Meditation are a basic form of mind development and personal empowerment that allows you to program your own mind and communicate directly with the subconscious aspect of the mind, which produces all of your natural perceptions and behaviors. The best way to learn and naturally produce permanent change is by working with both the conscious and the subconscious mind.

“Hypnosis for Relaxation”

with: Dr. Linda Gadbois

What is Hypnosis?

Most people have derived their impression of Hypnosis from stage shows or Hollywood depictions. It is often presented as a mysterious practice, being subject to and controlled by another, and even as a form of “Voodoo” . . . . yet, in reality, hypnosis is the most familiar state we know as human Beings, as we are in a constant state of Hypnosis or “trance” anytime we are not present. While experts do not agree on the definition, the term “hypnosis” is derived from the Greek word for sleep, yet even though the hypnotized person may resemble someone who is asleep, the hypnotized person is fully awake and actually experiences a heightened awareness of their internal being during the process.

A trance state is produced by simply relaxing and tuning out of our normal “conscious state” or thinking / talking mind, and becoming present in our subconscious “experiential and instinctual” mind. When the subconscious is made dominant or active while the conscious mind is passive and “asleep”, we can work directly with the subconscious mind to produce change. The subconscious mind produces all of our natural perceptions and behaviors, while the conscious mind is distracted and lost in it’s own thought processes. Our subconscious mind is what we could call our “autopilot” mode that’s always active and governs all the natural processes of our physical body without our direct awareness. The idea of “sleep” pertains to the conscious mind, which becomes passive and inactive when we fall asleep at night, and the subconscious mind is still fully active and produces our internal experiences as our “nightly dreams”.

Our conscious mind is always directing and guiding our subconscious mind through our very thoughts, and what we run through our mind as the visualization of our thoughts as a living reality or possible scenario, that mimics a memory. Our life is the way it is because of how we feel and think. Hypnosis and guided meditation is the most basic way to put the conscious mind to sleep while working directly with the subconscious mind to reprogram it with new ideas as imagined realities that it perceives as an actual memory. The secret to changing your own mind lies in your ability to reprogram your own subconscious mind to form new behaviors and perceptions that come automatically without the need for a thought process, or resistance, and are compulsive and spontaneous in nature.

Hypnotic state - hypnosis and deep meditation
Here are some Various Interpretations that will help give you a Clear Idea about what Hypnotism is:

“Hypnosis is an induced mental state that consists of bypasses of the critical mind and establishes selective thinking.” Elman

“Hypnotism is the art and science of mentally controlling thoughts and actions.” Cook

“Hypnosis is a reverie state of Mind. I is much like daydreaming.” -Dunne

“Hypnosis is a heightened state of awareness where you accept suggestion from without and within.” -Stockwell

“When the Mind is under control, the mind becomes like a pure crystal reflecting equally, without distortion, the perception, the perceiver, and the perceived. It is through such a mind that consciousness is known.” – Patanjali

“Hypnosis is largely a question of willingness to be receptive to beneficial ideas and allow these ideas to be acted upon without interference.” -Witzenhoffer & Hilgard

“Hypnosis is a state of intensified attention and receptiveness to an idea or set of ideas.” – Erickson

“Hypnosis is an aspect of conditioning” -Salter

Hypnosis session
The Characteristics of Hypnosis:

Hypnosis is one of the most natural states of mind we experience. Hypnotic trances happen to everyone, everyday naturally, just before you drift off to sleep, wake first thing in the morning, when your bored, and your mind begins wandering thinking about the past or the future, when you daydream, drive in your car, watch TV, or are enthralled or excited.

We could Consider Hypnosis to Be:
  • A relaxed, Hyper-suggestible State: Where you would experience deep physical and mental relaxation, becoming “present” and more open to suggestions.
  • A State of Focused (Absorbed) Selective Attention: Focusing your attention narrowly, on a specific subject, event, or situation, form a vivid perception of it as though it were real, and excluding all else from your awareness. You could think of it as developing your powers of concentration.
  • A Natural Altered State of Consciousness: A state that is different than their normal state (when the conscious mind is dominant), Where the conscious is still present and perhaps observing, yet the unconscious mind is dominant factor and we become aware of it’s experiences. This is attained through a very natural process, because it is a normal function of the mind, it is simply a shift in perceptual positions.
  • A temporary Dissociation: You experience a temporary suspension of logical information processing; often completely aware of your surroundings, whether forward or backward in time mentally and emotionally. Gaining insight into the experience from a non-personal perspective.
  • Guided Imagination: You are guided by your self or another person (hypnotist) by engaging the creative imagination to create a selected “experience” and then establishing it as a believable reality.
  • Hypnosis uses Trance-like states and works with the unconscious mind.
Hyper-Acuity of the Senses:

Hypnosis focuses the field of attention for perfect concentration. In this state sensory perception is more acute, distinct and active. Logical Powers of the mind are heightened. A narrow field of attention and stimuli is determined by suggestions given. Smell and Taste are easily enhanced with hypnosis. Eyesight is reportedly improved.

Hyper-Acuity of Memory:

The state of hypnosis allows us to access all “stored” memory. It is possible to revive and recollect circumstances and impressions from long ago that have been lost to the conscious mind. Every sensation ever experienced, everything ever learned, can be recalled with hypnotic suggestion. Likewise, you can also suggest that something be forgotten.

Hypnosis for healing
Fixation of Attention:

Hypnosis limits the field of attention until a concentrated and unvarying field results. How narrow the range of focus is strongly influenced by suggestion given. It utilizes the mind’s natural ability to concentrate fully on a very specific point without distraction or a tendency to wander.

Reflexes and Nerve Responses are Easily Influenced:

Pulse rate may be altered, areas anesthetized, blood flow and bodily sensations regulated, childbirth time can be determined and automatic bodily functions controlled. You can stimulate a curative effect or produce a pathological one. A burn can go away or you can suggest a burn and redness of the skin will appear. You can change your body temperature, or the temperature in one specific area of the body.

Hypnosis and guided meditation for mental rewiring
Less Autonomy as Perceptions become Controlled by Outside Suggestion:

Usually someone in hypnosis complies with suggestions, as long as those suggestions are congruent or fall within their natural responses and behaviors; if those suggestions go against their morals, core beliefs or they perceive it as unpleasant or painful; they will refuse to act on the suggestion or terminate the trance.

Another Reality:

A hypnotized person earnestly and sincerely believes the specific suggestions they receive. They actually believe they are proud, happy, humble, sad, can sing, laugh, cry, dance or are relaxing in a forest glade. All sensations of the past, no matter how subtle, may be called forth to enhance hypnotic hallucinations. A hypnotized person can eat an onion and believe and literally experience it as a peach. They can drink water and experience it as nectar of the gods.

Susceptibility to Post Hypnotic Responses:

Suggestions given in trance are performed after the client awakens. Often the client doesn’t even remember the original suggestion. Hypnosis is so effective because all changes or altered perceptions fall out of awareness, and are subtle in nature. Just as toothache, not longer aching, is simply forgot about, or no longer noticed. Many “changes” in hypnosis are not noticed for days, or perhaps weeks, when it suddenly dawns on you, that you haven’t done something in a while, or haven’t thought about it at all. It’s not uncommon for someone to consciously think that hypnosis hasn’t work for them, and suddenly realize that it actually has, their just not aware of it.

swinging watch - hypnotic induction
You are Constantly Hypnotizing Yourself:

Every suggestion your internal dialogue and “critical voice” gives you, are instructions for what you notice, how you perceive, how you feel, what meaning you give things and how you respond as a result. You are constantly instructing your mind by giving it suggestions. Your internal Dialogue and beliefs are completely shaping your experience in every moment. You create a matching external experience to your internal – inner experience. Hypnosis is mastering creating the internal experience to produce the external experience of a “Like” nature. All creation begins with Imagination. To Master your life, master first the incredible power of your own mind to dream realities into existence. Hypnosis helps you to construct an imaginary example of what you desire as a way of instructing your unconscious mind to produce it – automatically and without effort.

This is a difficult concept for a lot of people, because we are taught over and over (hypnotized to believe) that you have to set a goal on the outside and work hard to discipline your mind and behaviors to achieve it. In reality – true manifestation works in exactly the opposite manner. You engage your imagination – form a vivid reality using all your senses to create an “experience of it as real” – which makes it believable ( anything we can experience we automatically believe to be possible) – this reality is projected out, into the external environment and used as a template to produce it – replicates the internal image out of which it emerges.

hypnotic trance

Instead of feeling at the mercy of your identity, life situation, circumstances or conditions – with Hypnosis you can take control of your own mind to produce your desired state – to produce your dreams. Think about the term “DREAMS” – why do you think we call it that? It’s giving us a clue – to achieve your dreams you must master the ability to dream them!

All Invention and creation – began as an image in the mind of it’s creator. Master your imagination and you will master your ability to create life at will. Master your internal domain and you will “BE” the master of your own life. This is Self-Empowerment in it’s true essence.

clearing away the storms of life - pulling back the veil
Many Benefits of Hypnosis:

The benefits of hypnosis can seem limitless when we take into consideration that whenever our mind becomes involved in a particular problem or issue, hypnosis can be used as a tool to facilitate desired outcomes. Hypnosis allows us to use all functions of the unconscious mind, which automatically acts out imagined realities. Though Hypnosis can be highly beneficial in many areas, the ones I use through my practice offer the following benefits:

Spiritual Development:
  • Finding positive patterns and forms of expression
  • Identifying lessons and karmic themes that are being repeated
  • Past Life Regression – experiencing your Eternal Self.
  • Gaining a sense of “Who” you are, your essence
  • Soul Retrieval
  • Using the power of your mind/imagination to intentionally create the life of your dreams – soul expression
  • Identifying talents, strengths and interest and engaging tools to “live” them more fully, develop them as an integral part of your life purpose.
Emotional Clearing and Release Work:
  • Clearing dysfunctional beliefs/ response patterns
  • Completing the interrupted nurturing processes
  • Releasing emotional blocks & blocked energy flow in the body
  • Processing, integrating and releasing emotions
Regression Techniques:
  • Accessing memories
  • Accessing /integrating repressed or fragmented aspects of the psyche
  • Identifying Sub-personality/ Parts & integrating them
  • Past Life Regression – accessing past life memories and gaining insight into karmic issues and patterns being repeated
Behavior Modification:
  • Adjusting models, beliefs and emotions that drive behavior
  • Forming new strategies based on clarity of desired outcomes
  • Self-designing and managing internal states
  • Utilizing and directing emotions in a powerful way to create effective influences
Transpersonal Development:
  • Accessing our “higher knowing,” our expanded self by letting the Soul or Spirit guide our life.
  • Recognizing your purpose, path and destiny
  • Consciously creating circumstances
Possible Uses:
  • Building Self Esteem & Confidence
  • Past Life regression/ Karmic themes
  • Improving Imagination & Creativity
  • Releasing negative (destructive) emotions
  • Improving mental ability
  • Dream work
  • Increasing intellectual capacity and performance
  • Positive Internal Dialogue – programming your mind
  • Letting Go
  • Self Improvement suggestions
  • Developing Self-Image and performance ability
  • Finding meaningful methods of self-expression
Meditation and going within

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