“Contemplating the Hidden Wisdom Encoded Within Spiritual Sciences”
New Book Release!

Selected writings on Esoteric/Occult Sciences, Quantum Physics, and Transpersonal Psychology
“Contemplating the Hidden Wisdom Encoded Within Spiritual Sciences” is an illustrated guide designed to cultivate a practical understanding of the Universal Laws and Archetypal Principles that form the very basis of what we perceive as reality. All spiritual knowledge, in the most basic sense, is knowledge of the Universal Principles that shape and govern all life throughout the cosmos. Our mind operates according to these same fundamental laws, and by forming a practical understanding of how they operate in the basic sense, we can also develop a sound method for using them in a fully conscious and deliberate manner to not only shape how we experience the outer world of our own making, but also as the means for shaping ourselves in a much more positive and dynamic way through our experiences.
When we realize that reality is formed through our perception of it, and that a basic set of laws are what shape and maintain the material world of light, this tells us that our own mind works by way of these same laws in shaping and maintaining our outer world in a congruent and logical manner. While we tend to think that the outer world is separate from us and somewhat objective in nature, where we imagine things appear the same way to everyone, by simply observing things from a neutral and detached mindset, we can realize this isn’t true. Every person sees the same outer world of Nature and creation in a way that’s unique to them, because it’s formed as an outer reflection of our mind and soul, which is shaped by the vibratory frequency of our mental paradigm. Our paradigm is shaped out of the memory we’ve accumulated and integrated through all our life experiences up to this point in time, which acts on the outer field of astral light to order and organize it into a corresponding mirror image, through the law of vibration as resonance. A fundamental understanding of these basic laws are the prerequisite for building the foundation necessary for mastering the art of self-creation and undergoing the self-facilitated process of transformation to a higher level of existence.

This is an educational book designed with rich illustrations formed out of sacred geometry, the Kabbalah Tree of Life, quantum physics, archetypes of the Tarot, gematria, and esoteric symbols used in various branches of Spiritual Sciences, as a means of not only providing you with a working concept of the laws they represent in order to breed a greater understanding, but to also help develop skill in being able to accurately interpret symbolic language and imagery.
I consider quantum physics and transpersonal psychology to be a modern day version and natural offspring of Hermetic (esoteric) Sciences, and correlate the models used in both systems to describe the same principles inherent in the symbolic imagery of ancient wisdom. I place a heavy emphasis on using a variety of models and terminology to describe the same basic laws in order to cultivate a broader understanding of how they play out in every aspect of our daily lives, and how to recognize them as they play out in ordinary situations.

By forming a practical understanding of universal principles in terms of how they function in the most basic sense, we’re provided with a form of masterful instruction and user’s manual for how to operate our own mind to create in a willful manner. The focus of this book is to provide you with a deeper level of understanding in terms of how your own mind operates in forming an outer world of your own making, which will lay the foundation necessary for understanding all other aspects of life and reality.
Knowledge, in the most basic sense, is a living intelligence that flows in energetic currents throughout the cosmos, and in order to acquire certain levels of knowledge, we have to tune ourselves to the mental frequency of that current by becoming like it in nature. Knowledge in the most basic sense comes as knowledge of ourselves, because we only acquire it through a direct and intimate experience. Once we apprehend it through experience, it’s translated into memory as wisdom, and becomes a permanent part of us.

I use basic language throughout this book, and describe or explain most things from within the experience of it, rather than in purely theoretical terms, to help you relate to the ideas better, and to give you an intuitive sense of how to acquire wisdom through your own private experiences. Knowledge simply provides you with the theoretical means for applying ideas in your daily life to create an experience of them, and through the experience created, it’s integrated into memory, upgrading and evolving your mental paradigm. The actual knowledge isn’t of the idea itself, but is formed within you through the realizations that proliferate from the experience as a form of self-awareness and realization.

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