Category: Personal Transformation

Intuition – Clairvoyance, Premonition, and Attaining Higher Knowledge

Intuition forms what we tend to call our sixth sense, which comes predominately as a feeling or sense we have about something based on its mental and emotional state, and by how it forms an intrinsic part of a greater whole. It can come as a direct awareness of...

Realizing Your True Self and Embodying Your Power to Consciously Create Yourself

The process of personal transformation (Alchemy) as a form of spiritual regeneration comes as a process that has two basic stages. The first stage is what’s often referred to as our psychological healing, where we shed our false ego built through our formative conditioning, and the second comes by...

Moral Strength – The Power of Being Willfully Directed

Strength is a virtue that’s employed as the means for subduing and bringing your lower, instinctual nature under your control so it can be utilized as a vehicle for higher forms of self-expression. It’s the moral strength and discipline you exercise by using your ‘will’ to control your own...

Karma – Beyond the Veil of Negative Existence and the Process of Rebirth

What’s portrayed in Esoteric texts as the “Veil of Negative Existence” can be a very elusive idea in the most basic sense because it deals with another realm of life on a higher plane of existence that’s hidden, and therefore unknown to us while living in this realm. Yet,...

Understanding the Nature of Karma as the Seed for Our Soul’s Evolution

The idea of Karma has been greatly misconstrued over the years due to a fundamental lack of understanding as to what its design and purpose is and how it functions as a form of soul seed for life. Many have been taught to think of life in terms of...

The Illusion of Thinking you can Wake other People Up

One of the main themes playing out in society right now, especially among the spiritually oriented communities, is that it’s somehow their job to try an ‘wake people up’. The first and most immediate question that arises from this idea is what do they mean by wake people up?...

The Power of Focus – How We Manifest Our Reality without Realizing It

The things that come most natural to us often go completely unrecognized because we do them without a direct awareness of what it is we’re doing and what it causes. What prevents people from understanding the power of their own mind usually comes because we don’t know how to...

What is Our Higher Self, and How do We Connect with It?

The idea of our higher self can be a bit confusing to understand in the practical sense, because different spiritual systems present it differently by using different archetypes and allegories, while the relationship itself that’s being exemplified is basically the same. The most basic principle there is in regards...

Self-Love: The Conditional, Unconditional, and Universal Love for Others

The idea of what it means to love yourself can often seem confusing, because the very concept of self is used in a vague manner without being accompanied by a description of the principles involved. What is typically called the self, is a creation as a concept or image...