Business Projects – Church Ranch Veterinary Wellness Center
Church Ranch Veterinary Wellness Center
Westminster, Colorado
30,000 sq. ft, veterinary hospital (largest in Colorado, maybe the whole country), full service state-of-the-art hospital with multiple surgical (laser) suites, dentistry, Endoscopy, Radiology, Ambulance Service, Training Center and Pet Resort with VIP Suites, and Travel Agency.
Project took 2 years to fully design, and a little over a year to build. I used an entirely new business model for floorplan and functionality, and for the standards and method of practice. I was hired as a management consultant in the previous practice, then was asked to help design and build the new practice. I served as the business partner/owner, project manager for the construction phase, and acting CEO from 2000 – 2008.
It was the first Veterinary Hospital of it’s kind, the largest in the state of Colorado, and maybe in the United States. We opened for business on Ground Hog day (Feb. 2nd.) 2004. We were awarded “Hospital of the Year” by the Veterinary Hospital Management Association, for 2 years in a row: 2004 & 2005
I then toured the country giving presentations and teaching workshops on the unique design, flow pattern, and management structured required to run it.
Designed to look like “Old Colorado Mining Building”
Pet Taxi and Ambulance
Dental Suite
Endoscopy – rigid and flexible
Treatment Area
Treatment Area
Treatment area with large ICU and surgery observation windows on both sides, and an open ceiling with skylights for natural lighting during the day
Exam room
Exam room
Exam with lift table
Exam rooms were set up on a “Pod” method where 1 Doctor worked 3 exam rooms with a nurse and assistant out of a business alcove that was complete with computer station, and small pharmacy with supplies, which worked in a rhythmic format based on high density scheduling.
Business alcove – a “pod” serviced 3 exam rooms and a medical team
Lab area
A open hallway with a pharmacy on one side and the lab on the other side, centralized and adjacent to the treatment area
Surgery Suite – Laser surgery
Double Surgery Suite with heated tables
Double surgery suite capable of conducting 3 surgeries at the same time. Tables were hydraulic and heated.
Pet Lodging with VIP suites
Doggy Daycare
Pet Resort – Lodging, VIP Suites (small room with a window, bed, glass door, and TV) and Doggy Daycare, with a Jacuzzi for physical therapy and recovery.
This was the first Veterinary Hospital of it’s kind and design, and won several awards, including Hospital of the Year 2 years in a row, and most innovative floor plan for greatly improving service times, privacy, and a personalized experience for the client and patients.
I conducted workshops and toured internationally doing seminars and providing personal consulting for doctor Entrepreneurs, Practice owners, and Management staff.