Dr. Linda Gadbois

Dr. Linda Gadbois
Dr. Linda Gadbois

Dr. Linda Gadbois is the founder of Creative Transformations which is dedicated to providing people with Higher Education and strategic Intervention that meets and exceeds the highest standards and most modern technologies in the areas of Creative Mind Development, Personal Transformation, Advanced Communication skills, Creativity, Consciousness Studies, and Integrative Medicine. She offers educational programs in a variety of formats to meet your individual needs. All educational programs correspond with our Mentoring Program which provides you with the coaching and support necessary to bring the knowledge acquired in classes into your daily life as a practice in order to develop skills in being able to produce specific and consistent results.

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Our Mission: “Our mission is to help facilitate Personal Evolution and Spiritual Awakening through the Transformation of the Individual Consciousness through Education, psychological healing and the Practical Application of the “Creative Process” in daily life.”

Our Purpose: Is to provide people with the Knowledge necessary to be able to take control of their own life and impose a sense of direction and intention towards the fulfillment of their soul’s destiny by Self-Actualizing. We provide the Education, Training and Mentoring for the practical application of Spiritual Knowledge into everyday life producing distinct and measurable results. We strive to provide a rich variety of programs that will meet people’s educational needs and make learning possible, no matter what their circumstances.

Beliefs and Values: We only truly learn through experience. All learning comes by way of the imagination and our ability to conceive of ideas as applied to our daily lives. We only truly “know” what we can “do”. We do the best we can with what we have and where we’re at in life. In order to improve we need new resources and more knowledgeable ways of doing things that will produce new results. What one person can do, anyone can do. We simply have to elicit their strategy and imitate it.

Philosophy and Approach: People learn best by taking information in small chunks that can be easily implemented and fully integrated into their daily lives as practice. Knowledge attained only provides us with the theoretical basis for applying it at the practical level to create. In order to optimize our learning ability, we have to acquire the skills and proper understanding for “how to” learn. How to open our minds and be able to perceive the world in new ways that will serve to transform and modify our current “model of the world.” We have to learn the skills necessary for “mastering our own mind and lower nature”. All development is self-induced and only comes through self-empowerment. Every person is ultimately their own creator in terms of their character, and the author and producer of their own life-story. I don’t teach you what to think, or tell you what to do, but rather “how to” think for yourself and make healthy decisions that will create the life you desire.

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Dr. Linda Gadbois (Gad-bwa)

Dr. Linda Gadbois
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Linda is a professional Educator and teaches by recognizing and tuning into the deep codes, patterns and organic designs that permeate all levels of the cosmos simultaneously in a kind of joyous, eloquent dance. Her life’s work as a visionary has been to provide a creative model for those who have a desire to transform themselves into their highest state of ultimate perfection and expression. She believes that the creative process as a dynamic process of transformation can be taught and learned by anyone who has a strong desire to become the best they can be, and are willing to do what it takes to achieve it.

She is a gifted teacher who is highly skilled in communication processes that beautifully illustrate higher knowledge in a way that can be understood at the practical level of actual application. She uses her verbal, non-verbal, artistic and writing skills to inspire and motivate people through artful timing and clarity of communication that inspires them to embrace their own creative abilities to self-express and self-actualize. She believes that true creativity is the ability to take an inspired idea and turn it into an actual product, personal experience, or sensory manifestation. To create, is to bring the invisible into visible form that can be perceived with the senses, and therefore experienced. To stimulate what is latent and still in potential form, calling it forth in order to use it as a primary means of interacting and expressing that create new ways of being in the world.

Dr. Linda Gadbois
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College Degrees:

Associate of Arts – Graphic Design and Marketing

Bachelor of Science – Clinical Hypnotherapy

Doctorate – Spiritual Sciences (Transpersonal Psychology and Healing Arts)

2 years in Naturopathic Medicine

1 year Traditional Psychology

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Specialty Certifications:

Certified Health and Success Coach

Certified NLP Coach

NLP – Master Practitioner and Trainer

Huna – Shamanic Arts

Reiki Master and Trainer

Registered Behavioral Therapist

Hypnosis specialty application certifications: Parts Integration, Gestalt Psychology, Sexual abuse, Soul Retrieval, Regression Therapy, Chakra Balancing, Time-line Therapy, Smoking Cessation, and Weight Control.

Dr. Linda is an Ordained Minister of Spiritual Sciences & a Diplomat of the International Assembly of Spiritual Healers and Earth Stewart.

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Dr. Linda’s Specialties:

  • Transformative Education and developing Skills for Personal Transformation (Self-Creation through Self-Mastery).
  • Creative Mind Development and the Practical Application of Psychological Skills.
  • Creativity & Innovation.
  • Mastering the Creative Process in all areas of your life.
  • Spiritual Sciences (Knowledge that provides the means for Personal Growth, deeper understanding of your true nature), and Holistic Healing.
  • Integrative Mind-Body Medicine (with special emphasis on the psychological aspect).
  • Entrepreneur Training and Mentoring for Business Owners, Doctors, Practitioners, Consultants, Artists, and Educators.
  • Naturopathic Medicine
  • Helping people make life-style changes necessary to heal, grow, and transform their life.
  • Spiritual Counseling for psychological healing, and Death Counseling to prepare for the experience of dying.

Special Honors:

  • Worldwide Leaders in Healthcare – Top Psychologist and Integrative Medicine Specialist and Health Counselor in Colorado
  • Great Work Award for graduating the doctorate program with a 4.0 GPA
  • Who’s Who in the World – “Notable Careers of American Women”.
  • Who’s Who Award of Excellence for Outstanding Artistic Achievement
  • Who’s Who in America – “Notable Women of the West
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Business Projects Created by Linda:

Church Ranch Veterinary Wellness Center

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Creative Transformations – Professional Training, Coaching, and Consultation

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Legacy Signs and Graphic Design

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Creative Transformation painting by Linda Gadbois

Linda Gadbois Visionary Art & Fine Art Prints

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Linda’s focus is on the development of Excellence through creative use of your mind, and strategic intervention at the practical level that produces immediate results, undertaken as a step-by-step process of implementing a visionary strategy that makes constant adjustment as a means of adapting to your specific personality and circumstances and the feedback received while implementing it. Every custom application is a work of art.

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Personal Transformation Mentoring

Spiritual Development Mentoring

Death Counseling

Business / Entrepreneur Mentoring – Coaching

Professional Development Mentoring

Executive Coaching

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