Personal Transformation – Breaking Perceptual Patterns by Learning the Lesson they Hold for You
All of what we traditionally refer to as karma comes out of our mental paradigm that forms our perception of the outer world and ourselves in relationship with it (as the creator of it) as a personal creation or variation of a more Universal theme. This imagined reality as...
Self-Awareness and Realization – All Knowledge can Only be Acquired through Direct Experience
To fully grasp this idea, wipe the slate clean of all preconceived ideas of good and bad, right and wrong, should or shouldn’t, and move into a space of simply observing and realizing what is. Be present in your experiences by giving your full attention to them while stepping...
The Healing Power of Witnessing – Detachment, Relinquishing Judgment, and Mirroring
As a general rule, it’s very hard for us to ever really see anybody as they truly are, because just the act of perceiving another influences and distorts what’s being observed and interpreted as a means of creating an experience of it. All perception results from the relationship as...
The Dual Nature of Truth – The Relative and the Absolute
Truth, like all ideas that prevail within the material realm, is dual in nature. The entire material realm is formed by a universal (common) and personal (individual) aspect that are complementary in nature. These complementary aspects are separated from each other by degrees that that form a scale as...