Intuition and Communication between Multiple Levels of the Mind

How the Higher Self Communicates with the Lower Self

The most fundamental law that permeates and governs all levels of life and reality, is the One that exists as dual in nature, as complementary opposites that form a “range of vibration†as a scale. This 3 in 1 law forms the Dyad in Sacred Geometry, and is called the womb of the universe, because all other laws as the manifestation of the material plane emerge from it as a form of birthing process or natural unfoldment. The Dyad is considered the “parent numberâ€, and isn’t considered an actual number, with the first “real number†being 3, represented by the triad, which forms the Monad as the mind with a 3-fold nature that operates on three distinct levels simultaneously and forms a single entity that has a multi-dimensional nature.


This 3 in 1 as a multi-dimensional being spans all levels of creation as the 3 minds, 3 levels of consciousness, 3 bodies, 3 worlds, and the 3 dimensions of the material reality, and so on. It forms a correspondence on all levels of existence, and is therefore always true. All single entities as a working system are electromagnetic in nature and possess both feminine (inner) and masculine (outer) aspects, that act to stimulate each other (vibrate) into activity as a self-perpetuating flow of energy that forms a vibratory frequency as a movement between poles, or expansion from an inner center to an outer range as an invisible parameter, and then back again. All reality as we know it comes into existence through relationship that forms between complementary opposites as combinations that together form a new whole as a unique variation.


The mind exists on 3 levels as what we call the Higher-Self, and the lower-self, which has dual aspects, or the Superconscious, subconscious, and self-conscious, or the Spirit, Soul, and Body, all of which are analogies and form correspondences to each other on different levels that work together to form a whole. This is represented by the triangle where the upper single point is the Higher-Self that exists on a higher plane or parallel dimension, Who, as it descends separates into polar aspects as feminine (magnetic) and masculine (electric), which exist on the lower material plane as the material mind. While many traditional systems that deal only with the material plane don’t recognize the spiritual plane of the Higher-Mind, they all recognize the dual aspects of the subconscious and conscious minds, that together form a whole entity or cohesive inner and outer reality. The body itself is also symmetrical as right and left hemispheres of the brain, that together form a whole brain while performing different functions within the body and mind, that are complementary in nature and together form what we experience as “reality†and the “self†that lives within that reality, which is in fact self-produced, or subjective in nature.

On the material plane, the subconscious mind (feminine aspect) is the passive and receptive (magnetic) aspect of the mind, and gives birth to the self-conscious mind (masculine aspect) as the active and willful aspect that’s completely identified with the body as brain consciousness, and the outer, material environment, while remaining largely unaware of the natural functioning of the subconscious mind, which is what’s producing the outer reality as a form of “self-perception†in another, or as a cohesive and congruent outer reality that’s produced by the inner reality. The self-conscious mind is active and dominant during the alert and awake state, whereas the subconscious mind is continuously active from the moment of conception, and is what forms the body, and operates the body steadily until the body dies. The self-conscious mind, which is fully identified with the body (which it’s dependent on), is primarily aware of the outer reality which it uses to shape itself by forming an image of itself out of it (ego), dies with the body because it’s a primary function of the brain.


The conscious mind is the active “thinking†mind, and is what has the creative ability to make new decisions and act them out through disciplined use of the “willâ€. Whereas the subconscious mind is self-sustaining and operates out of memory as patterns, and simply acts to maintain established patterns as habits and routines, while simultaneously performing thousands of times more activities (all bodily function and natural behaviors) as the conscious mind, which can only focus on and think about one thing at a time. The subconscious regulates and maintains all biological processes of the body, while simultaneously projecting outward, energetically mingling with and forming the outer reality as a reflection of the inner reality. We look “through†the subconscious mind as our “perceptual lens†as a way of perceiving the outer world. The conscious mind has no real awareness of the content in the subconscious mind, which remains largely hidden from it, while being constantly revealed as an inherent part of the outer reality as the projection of the inner mind, making it “appear†a certain way (by what stands out), where the conscious mind can become aware of its own unconscious aspects through the nature of the environment in which it perceives, interprets to tell a story, and senses itself within, which acts to stimulate it (resonate with), causing a “reaction†to its unknown aspects in another.


In this way the outer awareness as the conscious mind can become aware of the inner contents of the subconscious through visual imagery and imaginings that come much like memories playing out in the mind as mental impressions, and through what we call coincidence that connects a string of interrelated ideas as synchronicity, or as a “bleed through†that comes as a flash of insight into something as a realization, or inspired idea that seems to come out of nowhere. Because the subconscious is passive and receptive and doesn’t challenge or resist ideas that are complementary to its current structure and can be easily shaped into a congruent reality, ideas as communication that’s meant to “guide us†(by informing and revealing) from our Higher-Self are planted in the subconscious (conceived) as a suggestion (potential reality), which it takes in and incorporates into its outer projections, which are perceived by the conscious mind. The conscious mind only becomes aware of it through its perceptions that appear to be coming from the outer reality as “signs and symbols†that spawn a thought process as a realization around something.

The subconscious mind which is the aspect of the mind that’s connected to and producing our outer perception, is what takes in an idea, as a form of seeded suggestion, and through a process of gestation, integrates it in a congruent manner, modifying its energetic structure, and then producing it in the outer environment, allowing the conscious mind to become aware of it as a part of its experience, which is then integrated through the level of identification (ego) as association with the experience it brings, altering the story the conscious mind tells about it. In this way, the Higher-Conscious is always seeding and impregnating the subconscious as a very basic way of guidance and influence that incorporates information into the outer experience as a means of perceiving it and forming a thought around it, which gives the illusion of being self-initiated or produced by the thinking-conceptualizing mind.


In this same way, the active self-conscious mind has the ability to also plant ideas in the subconscious mind as a way of bringing that idea into fruition as a part of its outer environment where it can experience it as part of reality. Whatever “reality†as an actual experience the subconscious mind is programmed with, it produces as an outward experience by producing the “perceptual lens†for it, the emotional state that matches it, the behaviors and actions that produce it, and connecting us to it in our immediate environment. The conscious thinking mind, which thinks in words, forms those words into pictures and the living realities they represent in the mind’s eye of the imagination, which translates them into the language of the subconscious as potential realities. As we think and imagine our thoughts as pictures, concepts, scenarios, or virtual experiences, we are literally programming our subconscious mind with those realities, which become our experience through our perception of them outwardly.


What we expect (and look for), creates the filter we look through, and we see the reality of our expectations by how we abstract only the elements within the outer reality that match, and reorganize (compose) them so they take on the appearance of our expectation. What we believe, we form in our mind as a reality that programs the subconscious mind with the filter as a lens that produces it as an outer experience. To control and intentionally direct our thoughts and imagination, is to consciously and deliberately create our reality. We’re always programming one aspect of ourselves with another aspect of ourselves. All outer reality is a self-created perception that simultaneously creates our perception of our “self†from our own creation, which is happening on another level that we’re not directly aware of.

Through this “chain-of-association†formed by the communication from the Higher-Self to the subconscious, to the conscious as a way of getting the conscious to align and cooperate in creating the suggestions of the Higher-Self, the illusion of choice and free will is created. Not as an actual illusion, but as an illusion as to what level its coming from, or who and what aspect of the mind is actually doing the choosing and then producing the activity that actualizes it as an outer, seemingly objective reality that’s a part from us. There’s a two way flow between the conscious aspects of the mind, both as a universal being and as a lower, individual being, connected by the subconscious aspect of the same mind (the soul) that translates and projects ideas as inner realities that form the basis for outer realities of a complementary nature, that form a subtle chain reaction of cause that produces and inward effect, that becomes the cause for producing an outward effect, that becomes the cause for stimulating an inward effect, all at different levels of the same cohesive reality. This is an automated process that functions completely without direct awareness to the mind that remains asleep to its own true nature and abilities to influence and co-create its experience of reality.


By waking up and becoming self-aware, and learning how to participate in our own creation by working intelligently with unconscious processes and learning how to direct our own attention onto things and ideas that we have a desire to experience, while imagining them as an actual experience within the reality that would give us that experience, we literally change the outer appearance of things and the very nature of our experiences, which act to shape our identity and who we become by way of them. The will of the conscious mind is only separate from the Will of the Higher Mind when it remains oblivious to its own hidden nature and how the different aspects of “itself†operate on different, parallel planes to form a cohesive and consistent experience of reality. In this way, we are always the one creating our experience of reality, while then identifying with our own experiences, and evolving ourselves according to our own creation. Through self-awareness of all aspects of ourselves and how they operate to form a single unified “Self†as both an inner and outer reality, we can work cooperatively with our Higher Will and participate in our own moral development to a higher level of consciousness that will ultimately transcend the lower dimensions and reside fully within the higher planes.


Dr. Linda Gadbois

Integrative Health Consultant and Spiritual Mentor



