Contemplating the Hidden Wisdom Encoded within Spiritual Sciences


Contemplating the Hidden Wisdom Encoded within Spiritual Sciences – a 530 page downloadable PDF e-book – with photographs, diagrams and fine art images.


“Contemplating the Hidden Wisdom Encoded Within Spiritual Sciences”

This is a downloadable PDF eBook by Dr. Linda Gadbois, that’s fully illustrated with photographs, diagrams, graphics, and fine art images by the author.

This body of work integrates Sacred Sciences with Quantum Physics, Philosophy, and Psychology to provide a modern day description of knowledge that was originally written in the language of symbols, hieroglyphs, numbers, and letters.

Spiritual Sciences have been shrouded in mystery and secrecy throughout history, often hidden from the average person, because it’s traditionally communicated in the universal language of symbolism, philosophical mathematics, geometry, and metaphor, which requires a depth of knowledge in the arts, philosophy, and the sciences to interpret properly. Dr. Linda leads us through an extraordinary journey into the hidden realms of Occult / Esoteric Sciences providing us with the insights and tools necessary for masterfully facilitating our own journey into the deeper realms of our mind, reality, and the cosmos. All spiritual knowledge in the most basic sense, comes through a practical understanding of universal laws and archetypal principles that form the very foundation of the cosmos, reality, and our mind. Universal laws, when properly understood, provide us with deeper insights into our own hidden nature and explicit instruction on how to use our mind to masterfully facilitate our own spiritual evolution and advance ourselves to a higher level of existence. In this body of work Dr. Linda provides a simple, practical explanation of ideas that are normally encoded in abstract language and symbolic imagery, which bridges spiritual sciences with quantum physics, biology, and transpersonal psychology. This work is written in simple, practical language that makes even the most difficult ideas easy to understand, and is richly illustrated with diagrams, graphics, and artwork that helps build a practical understanding of fundamental principles necessary for utilizing higher wisdom in our daily life to become a master of our own life’s creation. We can only utilize and apply higher knowledge that we understand in the most fundamental sense, and that’s what this body of work is designed to provide you with.

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